Got an idea or a personal message that you want to convey to someone special? Say it through "music." We can produce and record your message to music (with video). We have a music department that has worked with some of the biggest names in professional music. Brett Jolly, our music director, will gladly talk to you and help you put together a beautiful musical song/video for your special person. Say and do anything you want. Create a beautiful love song/video. You can email Brett at [email protected] or you can contact him by phone with your idea at 215-900-9022 (do not leave a voice mail, please text instead if you don't get an immediate answer). The price will be contingent on the amount of detail you want in your song. Once you settle on details, you can cash app him the initial payment at $Eltonbrettjolly. Make sure to let him know your lyrical song message and the style of music you prefer. If necessary you can just give the name of an artist and song whose style you want us to emulate. If you want you can sing and send (email) your own voice file and it will be placed with the song. You can also choose a particular style of vocalist to sing your song for you. Please allow at least 2 weeks to put the song together (Good music takes time to make). Contact us, and we will guide you through everything. Thank you and have a great day.

Show her just how special she/he is through the art of music....You write it, with your own personalized message in song
Did you know that music has the power to create a special mood for romance?" Through music love can be "significantly enhanced." We employ profesional writers/producers/musicians who have worked for some of the biggest names in music. We wrote/produced this personalized song/video above about a "special" type of love affair. The customer actually wanted to "sing her own vocals on the track" (and star in the video as well). We can work with just your words/lyrics if necessary or we can do more. You can sing it or we can find a vocalist for you. We can even make it happen online. Either way we can "produce your lyrics to music professionally." It is easier than you think. This particular song/video is called "Through and Through." It is posted below. Contact us using the form at the bottom of this page and give us your own ideas for a special song/ music video and we will make it happen for you.
Our Approach

This is a true love story. This man from the United States was in Bordeaux, France to perform with the late singer Billy Paul ("Me and Mrs. Jones"). While there he formed a special relationship with this beautiful woman he met. Even though they both spoke 2 different languages love still endured. The song is entitled "Je t'aime, je t'aime (which means, I love you, I love you, in French). It is a beautiful love story. If you would like to write your own love song/video to someone special just contact us. We will use your words and your choice of style of music to make a memory that your special one will cherish forever.
Feeling love? Let music take your love to the next level. Express your love "through music written by you." Music has a way of touching people on the inside. Wouldn't you like to write your own personalized love song (with your own words or lyrics) to the one you love? Would you like to have someone write a song for you? How about taking it a step further and creating a personalized love music video? We can shoot the video for you or you can send us your own video files while we place it with the song. It can be done professionally here. You can also call us at 215-900-900 . Contact us for prices and we will make it happen for you. You can also fill in the "contact us" form below.
Our Story
Let music say it for you. No one else can copy this gift because it is your own personal testament. You can write a love song (with the name of your special loved one AND your name in the lyrics) or you can write a song about "any topic you want." You can write a song just by itself or you can make a video to go along with the song. If you are in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area we can film the video for you. Just give us any intimate details (including video files) you may have and we will put it to music for you. Once the song is finished and approved by you, we can send the song via email to your desired recipient. This is a fun gift to give for the loved one who already has everything... No one else can duplicate your personalized testimony put to music. That is what makes this so special. Contact us and we will gladly help you put it all together.

Next Steps...
Contact us and tell us what you envision. We can produce any style of music you want. Make sure to allow us time to create the tune for you, and prices will depend on the amount of detail that you want to put in your song. It is fun, it is unique, and it is easily obtainable when you contact us.